Bidenomics & Trumpenomics: RE Edition

National rent control, SASBs lose their rizz, plus: crushing on Jamie and Jay

Bidenomics: National Rent Control (& Friends)

The Biden administration is floating a national rent cap

Joe Biden is coming for your rent hikes. POTUS, in the fight of his political life, dropped a bomb on RE last week from NATO, alluding to some sort of nationwide rent cap at 5%. This led to Qs of scope and constitutionality - i.e. does the govt. even have the right to do this? šŸ¦…

Now we have more: the administration is proposing that landlords who increase rents more than 5% annually can no longer enjoy accelerated depreciation (which lets owners claim more depreciation in the early years after buying a property ā€“ i.e. chopping šŸŖ“ taxable value faster).

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Bidenomics (cont.)

Key caveats:

  • Applies only to landlords w/ 50+ units (WH is estimating 20M units impacted, though how you accurately determine this in a world of LLCs is beyond me)

  • Proposal needs Congressional approval

  • Doesnā€™t apply to new construction/big rehabs (WH doesnā€™t want to be seen doing anything that might dissuade adding supply)

  • Only lasts 2Y (new supply would presumably compress rents by then)

Itā€™s all pretty avant-garde at this point. Hereā€™s a senior WH admin official trying to explain it to reporters - has ā€œcommunity-adjusted EBITDAā€ vibes.

Transcript of WH press call 7/15 on rent cap proposal

Industry trade groups are predictably miffed.NMHC said the proposal ā€œwill not create a single new unit while raising costs on the very residents it purports to help,ā€ while the NAA said that "there is no debate. Rent caps hurt renters and communities.ā€

This federal drama comes as states have gone to the mattresses in their own rent control fights: New YorkšŸ—½ landlords have repeatedly had their hopes dashed in their challenges to the more pro-tenant rent laws; meanwhile, in FloridašŸŒ“ , the stateā€™s Live Local act curtails local govts.ā€™ abilities to enact rent control. In November, California voters will decide whether a statewide ban on local govts. applying rent control to new construction should be lifted.

Weā€™ve previously explored how the Biden admin. has made RE a bit of a piƱata this campaign season, muscling into everything from agent commissions to title insurance to, of course, the RealPage criminal investigation. This new rent cap proposal falls into the same ā€œconsumer protectionā€ bucket. ā€œLandlordā€ is a four-letter word among enough voters that you can expect different avatars of this stuff to keep manifesting. A change that got less attention but is far more consequential for CRE in the near term is the FHFAā€™s new mandate that starting in Feb. ā€˜25, landlords who avail of agency financing (Fannie/Freddie) will have to adopt a number of pro-tenant measures, such as a 30-day notice on rent hikes and lease terminations and a 5-day grace period on late rents. This applies only to new originations/refis, but since over half of ā€˜23 apartment debt originations were Fannie/Freddie, it has legs. šŸ¦µ

(More: Enjoyed this thread of threads on rent control from my favorite NYC RE threadboi, @goodguyguaranty - this is what the best of Twitter feels like, a cocktail of historical context and non-vanilla personal reflections)

Trumpenomics: Jamie, Jay & Red Tape

Trump gave props to Jamie Dimon and hinted at retaining Jerome Powell

Meanwhile, Trump sat down w/ Businessweek at Mar-a-Lago late last month for a wide-ranging interview that just dropped, and the GOP nominee was his trademark free-wheeling self. Some key CRE nuggets:

  • J-Pow as Fed chair: ā€œI would let him serve it [his term] out, especially if I thought he was doing the right thing.ā€ DJT doesnā€™t want any rate cuts prior to the election, though Wall St widely expects one.

  • Jamie as Treasury Secretary: ā€œHe is somebody that I would considerā€

  • On affordable housing supply: Brought up red tape (environmental, zoning, permits) as a key culprit for high housing costs, and said heā€™d slash it.

There were also glimpses of Trump the Noo Yawk real estate guy: When talking about illegal immigration, he brought up the damage to the unions:

A guy could be loyal to a union, because I had unions in New York. Got along with them good. I dealt with the Teamsters, I got along with them good.

Close your eyes, and you could picture the retro conversations w/ Tony Pro types.

SASBs Lose Their Rizz

Rate of SASB loans at/near default has nearly tripled over 2Y: CREFC

It happens to the best of us. Austin Powers. Daniel Ricciardo. And now itā€™s SASBs that have lost their mojo: What was once considered the safest corner of the CMBS market has seen a spike in troubled loans - per CREFC data cited by WSJ, the rate of SASB (single-asset, single-borrower) loans in or near default has almost tripled over 2Y, to 8.7% in 2024. Mind you, many of these deals scored AAA ratings ā€“ we broke down the debacle at Blackstoneā€™s 1740 Broadway here and riffed about it on Bloombergā€™s Odd Lots here. The ratings agencies simply couldnā€™t fathom that property prices could sink below the value of the debt.

Bond investors are questioning the methodology agencies used to rate SASBs

Weā€™ve already seen defaults on mall and office SASB deals in Chicago, LA, NYC and SF. Deutsche Bankā€™s Ed Reardon told WSJ he predicts losses on at least 10 other deals. Some struggling properties have seen prices of their lower-rated bonds fall south of 20 Ā¢/$. Lenders can either eat the losses right away by selling the bonds, or stack up more reserves to hold on to the now-riskier instruments.

ā€œThatā€™s my fearā€”that the large banks are going to say ā€˜You know what? Weā€™re out,ā€™ā€ Barclays CMBS head Lea Overby told the publication. ā€œIf that happensā€¦the new issue pipeline will get shut off.ā€

About half of SASB bonds ā€“ there are about $260B in total ā€“ are set to mature by the end of ā€˜28, according to the Philadelphia Fed. Falling prices have attracted the bottom feeders šŸ¦¦, among them Beach Point, Ellington Management, TPG Angelo Gordon, TCW and Waterfall Asset Management. TCWā€™s CMBS holdings, for e.g., have jumped 12% this year to $8.2B, w/ its co-head of global securitized product Liza Crawford telling WSJ that ā€œwe are eyes wide open about the risk.ā€ šŸ‘€


Unquotable Quotes

ā€œWe were not willing to put in good money after bad as the math didnā€™t make sense based on the current mod.ā€
- Tides Equitiesā€™ Sean Kia, on surrendering a Vegas complex to lender Newpoint. šŸ¦ˆšŸŒŠ